• Energy measuring technology

Energy measuring technology

Exact measurements for optimised consumption

Control cabinets are usually in use for many years.  Large plants such as refrigeration plants, air conditioning or lighting, as a general rule, will be updated and newly equipped with essential parts at time intervals of 10 to 15 years.

However, continuous technological progress requires economically viable investments during these periods. For this purpose, Wurm provides smart upgrade packages that can be integrated easily into any control cabinet manufactured by Wurm Schaltanlagenbau.
This uncomplicated solution is of particular interest for energy management, which is becoming increasingly important.  
Especially existing plants that have been in use for some years but still do not need a complete renewal often lack the technical prerequisites for an efficient consumption recording and energy monitoring.
The upgrade package from Wurm is what is known as the energy box. It contains components for the consumption recording and the data transmission to a monitoring system. Depending on the design, the components EMG, PIC-6-XP or PIC-M-XP will be installed. A combination of these components is also possible.  


Components for recording (e.g. transformer or pulse measuring devices) are implemented in existing plants and then connected with the energy box. Should the tenancy or ownership change later, the box can move to another object somewhere else.
Apart from the current measurement further channels for temperature measurement are available. For example, internal and external temperature can be recorded. To support the HACCP documentation we also provide a temperature-measuring box analogously to the energy box. The temperature-measuring box can be integrated just as comfortably into existing plants as the energy box.
A combination of energy and temperature measuring is also possible.  

We would be glad to advise you personally on your specific project  - please do not hesitate to contact us:
By phone:  +49 (0) 2191 - 8847 200
or Email: info@wurm-schaltanlagen.de